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Balrog action figure

The Balrog ('demon of might') represents an evil force that has existed on Middle Earth for many centuries and is the result of corrupted Maiar (holy spirits). They are powerful evil creatures, and one plays a role in FOTR in the Mines of Moria where it battles with Gandalf as the Fellowship escapes the mines to continue their mission. For those who are curious, both Gandalf and the Balrog are both Maiar, as is Saruman and Sauron.

While there was only one Balrog in LOTR it is clear that more have existed in the past and Toy Vault used this knowledge to exercise some artistic license and envision a few other versions of the Balrog. They eventually produced five versions of him, starting with the Balrog of Kazad-D�m and then coming up with three other versions for that release and a fire balrog for the mass-market series. All the figures are articulated with __ points as follows: fill in points. The sword that the Balrog carries is inscribed in runes with the word 'death'. The Balrog was sculpted by Daniel Horne.

Balrog Of Khazad-d�m - This is the Balrog from FOTR that Gandalf fought in the Mines of Moria (Khazad-d�m is the Dwarven name for the mines). This figure was an exclusive of Diamond Comics and came with a sword, whip, two removable wings and two hexagonal stands. He was designed with a light-up action feature that makes the eyes and mane glow when the button under the chin is pressed.

Earth Balrog - This is the 'standard issue' Balrog for the line and represents one of Toy Vault's interpretations on the Balrog. This interprets how a Balrog would look in the earth caves of the trolls. He comes with a sword and whip with two removable wings.

Forest Balrog - This version of the Balrog was sold through the Toy Vault Toy Club and was limited to 2000 pieces. This is another interpretation of the Balrog by Toy Vault and came with two removable wings, a whip and a sword.

Shadow Balrog - This interpretation of the Balrog was originally offered as an exclusive from Voyager Toys (for the first six months) but is now available through other outlets. Voyager Toys had been known as 'the Portal' when these figures were made, so that's why this name is on the card. He has a sword, two removable wings, a whip and two hexagonal stands.

Fire Balrog - This version of the Balrog was used as the mass market version of the character. He comes with two removable wings, a sword and a whip.

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