Unproduced Toys - Concept Phase
The Three Rings Project
While action figures were the staple of the line, they were not the only items that were considered for treatment by Toy Vault. One of the most interesting ideas is the 'Three Rings Project'. This was an effort to produce three of the rings from the books in gold-colored plastic, being the One Ring, Narya - the Elven ring of fire carried by Gandalf, and Vilya - the Elven ring of air carried by Elrond. The sizing was to be approximately size '10' and designed for adults to wear or display. There were no plans to make Nenya, the ring of water carried by Galadriel. These rings never made it beyond the concept stage.
The One Ring is master of the other rings and was forged by Sauron. It was to have a glow-in-the-dark wash on it, so that runes would appear on it. It would have the famous verse that is oft-quoted, but it would have been inscribed in Tengwar in the black speech of Mordor as follows:
Ash nazg durbatul�k, ash nazg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatul�k agh burzum ishi krimpatul.
The first line would have been inscribed on the outside while the second would be on the interior.
Narya is the Elven ring of fire, and was originally carried by C�rdan (an Elven mariner and shipwright). C�rdan gave the ring to Gandalf when the wizard came to Middle Earth, and the ring had the power to strengthen hearts. It was to be set with a red stone and to have the Elvish words for 'ring of fire' inscribed on the inner surface with a red wash.
Vilya is the mightiest of the three rings of the Elves, and was set with a sapphire. The ring was carried by the great Elf Lord Gil-Galad, but was later given by him to Elrond, who carried it across the sea when he left Middle Earth. The ring was going to be set with a blue stone and would have the Elvish words 'ring of air' inscribed on the inner surface with a blue wash.
There was also consideration given to a line of dolls based on LOTR. This never went beyond the concept, the characters that were considered for this treatment were: Aragorn, Arwen, Boromir, Elrond, Eowyn, Faramir, Frodo, Galadriel, Gandalf and Samwise. There was a prototype Gandalf doll made which was basically a 2UP of the production figure, and is shown below.
Accessory Packs
Another idea under consideration was that of accessory packs. These would contain a number of accessories to be used (or replace) some of the ones that came with the figures, They could also be used to dress out dioramas or simply to be displayed. This never progressed beyond the concept phase, but the accessories that were considered were:
A rough stone slab for the Balrog to stand on (like the trolls laid across in Moria), Dagger scabbard for Ugluk (since his knife doesn't attach anywhere), A better staff for Gandalf the White, Iron manacles for Ugluk (for chaining up prisoners), Cloth hat for Gandalf, Torches (with clear/orange plastic flames), Fireworks for Gandalf, Detailed/decorative stands for the figures, A better pipe for Gandalf, a little campfire (with clear/orange plastic flames), Barrel Of Pipeweed, Lorien ropes, Real whip for Balrog, Better belt for Gandalf, Belt for Gimli, Tankards from the Prancing Pony, Ale Horns & Goblets, Small grey boat from Lorien, Scabbard for Ugluk with weather worn leather strap, Spear for Ugluk, Elven Rope, Mithril Coats, Pots and pans, Bridge of Khazad-Dum, Barrels, bricks and stones, Red-Book, Broken Shields/weapons with white hand, rohan, Gondor, Red Eye, Barrow swords, Flags of Gondor and Rohan and Red eye, Horses (Shadowfax, Bill, and Legolas' and Aragorn's horses), Displays/scenes for the figures (could be added to the playsets), table and chairs (Elronds house), Sculpted plates with food, goblets, wine barrels, etc., Candles, Decapitated Orc Heads, Generic Belts for figures, Water Skins, Battering Ram like at Helms Deep, A Pipe for Frodo, Cardboard backdrops for figure displays, Crowns for figures who would wear them.
Action Figures
There were five figures that were in initial stages, and had progressed to where they were being actively planned along with variations and accessories. The basic information on these characters as they were developed follows here.
Gorbag was an Uruk of Minas Morgul, and captain of a company of orcs. He didn't have much of a role, but would have been included in the line to help round out the 'evil' characters with all the various 'good' ones. The figure was to be designed along the same basic look that was established for orcs with the Ugluk figure. He would be wearing accessories including long hairy breeches, tunic of dirty leather, stout ring-mail, belt with short sheath holding a broad bladed stabbing-sword, orc-helmet. Separate accessories of a broad-headed spear with a short broken haft, mithril mail, torch, orc medicine bottle, orc-scimitar sword, orc-helmet were called for to round out the variations.
There were only two variations that had been established for Gorbag - Gorbag in Battle and Gorbag on the Trail, though a variation of him as he appeared in Minas Morgul would have been a certainty.
Only one drawing exists for Gorbag and it was entitled 'Ugluk II' and is shown here.
Grima Wormtongue
Grima Wormtongue was an aide to King Theoden and later Saruman (who was his true master). The figure was going to be designed to have two different heads to represent Grima as he changed over the course of the last two books - a pale wise face and one that was haggard and full of hate and terror with red eyes. He was also planned to have a cloth cloak and to also be designed with a crotch that would allow him to ride a horse. There were four variations of Grima planned, with accessories as follows:
Grima The Traitor - Pale wise face with better looking more ceremonial knife, scabbard, nice cloak, book, rolled up scrolls, signet ring. Cloak should have Rohan symbol painted on it.
Grima The Fallen - Pale wise face, ceremonial knife, scabbard, nice cloak, palantir (from Saruman), palantir stand (from Saruman). Cloak should have Saruman's white hand painted on it.
Grima The Servant - Haggard face, knife, scabbard, ragged pack, ragged cloak.
Grima The Slave - Haggard face with knife, scabbard, hobbit thigh bone, ragged cloak.
Nazgul 2-5
While the Lord of the Nazgul (aka the Witch King) gets all the attention, there were nine ringwraiths in total. There were five wraiths that attacked Frodo on Weathertop, and along with the witch king those four are represented in Nazgul 2-5.
The figures were going to use the same body as the Lord of the Nazgul figure, but would all have different head sculpts and accessories depending on the individual character and variation. The goal was to ensure that all five were different enough in weaponry and their head-sculpts to represent 5 different individuals. All five of the Nazgul were to have different swords.
Shown below is an image of the Lord of the Nazgul sculpt that was to be the basis for the other four wraiths.
 Nazgul figure
 Nazgul Close-Up
Variations planned:
Nazgul #2 In The Shire - With sword, black cloak, mantle, robe, helm
Nazgul #2 In Battle - With sword, double fork, tiger claw knuckle duster
Nazgul #3 In The Shire - With sword, black cloak, mantle, robe, helm
Nazgul #3 In Battle - With sword, hooked spear, chakram
Nazgul #4 In The Shire - With sword, black cloak, mantle, robe, helm
Nazgul #4 In Battle - With sword, ridge mace, Conan double dagger
Nazgul #5 In The Shire - With sword, black cloak, mantle, robe, helm
Nazgul #5 In Battle - With sword, Islamic sword, bowie dagger
Peregrine Took (or Pippen) was one of the four hobbits in the Fellowship and a relation of Frodo and Bilbo. The figure was designed to have a v-crotch so that it could ride a pony as Pippen had done, and there were a wide range of variations and accessories that were possible for Pippen and these are listed below. The problem with Pippen's height changing in the last two books was never resolved.
Pippen On The Trail - With pack, stick, hobbit cloak, blanket, water bottle
Pippen In The Barrows - With circlet, gold chains, barrow sword, barrow shield
Pippen At Elrond's Council - With sword, belt, scabbard, shield, dagger, dagger sheath, jacket, Elrond's cloak
Pippen At Galadriel's - With lembas, leathern flask, elven cloak, silver belt, sword
Pippen The Captive - With goblin knife, medicine bottle (also has cords tying hands & feet)
Pippen At Orthanc - With pipe, pipe #2, soft wallet, palantir, tobacco pouch, elven cloak, dagger, dagger sheath
Pippen Of Gondor - With hauberk, helm, surcoat, shield, sword, scabbard, silver belt
Pippen Returns Home - With Bilbo pipe #3, tobacco pouch, halbert, helm, surcoat, elven cloak, sword, shield, scabbard, silver belt
Shagrat was one of Sauron's Orcs who had confronted Sam in Minas Morgul. He was the captain of the Tower of Cirith Ungol, and was the orc who kept Frodo's mithril mail for Sauron. The figure was going to have a v-crotch to ride a warg, and would have had all clothing sculpted as part of the body. There would have been some similarities to Ugluk, as all the orcs had some things in common. The three variations for Shagrat follow.
Shagrat On The Trail - With orc "medicine" bottle, quiver, 3 arrows, long red knife
Shagrat In Battle - With long red knife, scimitar sword, orc helmet, orc shield
Shagrat The Survivor - With long red knife, black cloth, 3 items from Frodo