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Elrond Half-Elven is the master of Rivendell and one of the oldest Elves in Middle Earth. He was a herald of Gil-Gilad at the last great alliance of men and elves when Sauron was defeated and Isildur took possession of the One Ring. Elrond also carries one of the three Elvish rings of power (Vilya, the mightiest of the three). His daughter was Arwen, who wed Aragorn and decided to stay in Middle Earth when the last of the Elves departed for the west.

The design of the figure called for eleven points of articulation - 2 knees, 2 hips, 2 wrists, 2 elbows, 2 shoulders , and the neck. Along with the figure there were to be several accessories sculpted - a harp, two swords, a scabbard, a belt, a flask and a scepter. There were also considerations for Elrond having a scroll of the map used in the Hobbit by the dwarves (a moonscroll).

The detailing of the accessories was well thought out and executed, even though it never went into production. One of the more interesting pieces is the flask which would have held miruvor, which was the cordial of Imladris and was used by the Fellowship early in their journey.

The figure of Elrond made it all the way through concept, design and had a fully articulated prototype done and was very close to production. The prototype was sculpted by Sam Greenwell and had two distinct paint styles done for it - one in grey and one in darker browns that looked like leather.

The three thumbnails below link to galleries with more images of the Elrond figure and control art. The one on the left links to a gallery of the mantle concept art and the sculpted accessories. The middle thumbnail links to a gallery of the sculpted and painted prototype, and the one on the right links to images of the final control art.

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A prototype figure was sent to the factory for tooling costs some time after May of 1998. By the end of October of the same year the tooling costs for the figure had been estimated and the figure was ready for production. The figure never reached production because ____.

Variations Of Elrond: (All variations come with: mantle, cloak)

Limited: Sword, scabbard with belt, scepter
Unlimited: Sword, scabbard with belt, harp
Diamond: Flask with miruvor, scroll,

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