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Eowyn was the sister of Eomer, and disguised herself in order to ride with the forces of Rohan into battle. She was a true warrior woman, but apparently the politics of Middle Earth didn't allow for women in combat along with the men. She clearly proved her worth in battle as she slew the Lord of the Nazgul along with Merry, though she was badly injured in the fight. She eventually recoved and married Boromir's brother Faramir.

The figure was to be sculpted with her armor on, and she would include several cloth accessories - blue mantle, warm raiment, heavy cloak and white dress. The basic body would be used for all the variations, with various accessories.

There are a variety of pieces of early concept art for Eowyn that show her in various stages of development. The concept art is shown at the upper left and was done by Daniel Horne. The final control art is shown in 6 images after the text below. The last two are of accessories for clothing designs, and other four are images of the figure and accessories. The 6 images were done by Digger of Art Asylum.

The sculpture of this figure was assigned to Marcus Deleo and Barsom.

Variations planned:

Eowyn In Battle - Eowyn with helmet, sword, shield, scabbard, belt.

Eowyn On The Trail - Eowyn with helmet, bow, arrows, quiver with strap, ancient horn

Eowyn At Home - Eowyn wearing a white dress, with cup, [belt, sword, and scabbard] under her dress

Eowyn In Love - Eowyn wearing blue mantle, heavy cloak, warm raiment

Final Control Art

Final concept art

Final Control Art

Final Control Art



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