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Galadriel action figure

Galadriel (which is 'Lady of Light' in Elvish) is an Elven queen who has played an active role in the history of Middle Earth going back thousands of years. She founded Lorien with her husband Celeborn, and with the power of one of the three Elven rings of power she kept it safe from all enemies save Sauron himself. She aided the Fellowship by granting them gifts when they stayed in Lorien, and was enamored by Gimli the dwarf. Frodo offered her the One Ring while they were in Lorien, but Galadriel refused. Eventually she returned over the sea.

Two variations were suggested early on - Galadriel the singer and Galadriel the mirror keeper, though neither of these were final versions. The mirror was to have three small cut-outs that could be placed in the basin to show the visions that Frodo and Sam see when they look into the mirror. The cut-outs appeared in the Toy Vault Toy Club version of the figure.

The figure of Galadriel has less articulation than any other figure in the line due to the design of her sweeping gown. She only has three points - both shoulders and the neck, but she is more an example of an artistic look over articulation. Other ways to accomplish the look were discussed, but ultimately it was decided to accept the loss of articulation for the look. She was initially released as three versions, but a fourth was added as a mass-market option. Galadriel was sculpted by Karl Sanders and designed by _____. The concept art was done by several artists - name them. The control art was done by Arnie Swekel.

Galadriel The Elven Queen - This was the 'standard issue' for Galadriel. She came with a harp, pedestal, urn and basin.

Galadriel Lady Of The Wood - This was a Diamond Comics exclusive, and shows Galadriel as she would appear in Lorien. She comes with a pedestal, urn, basin and harp.

Galadriel The White Lady - The White Lady was available through the Toy Vault Toy Club and was limited to 1000 pieces. This shows her as she appeared when the Fellowship was given visions from her mirror as they stayed in Lorien. She came with a pedestal, urn and a basin. She also included three color scenes to be placed in her mirror to represent the visions seen by members of the Fellowship.

Galadriel - This was a planned mass-market version of Galadriel. She included a harp, bowl, urn and pedestal.

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