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Legolas is the son of the King of the Mirkwood elves that imprisoned the company of Dwarves in The Hobbit, and he is a member of the Fellowship representing the Elves. He is a master of the bow, but is also capable of fighting with knives quite well. Throughout the three books he begins and builds a very strong friendship with Gimli the dwarf, strong enough that Gimli is allowed to accompany Legolas to the West when he leaves Middle Earth.

The figure of Legolas was designed to have the following articulation - neck, shoulders (ball joint), elbows, wrists, waist and hips. He was to be sculpted armored with a mail skirt below the legs that would be sculpted as a separate piece. The following accessories would be sculpted for Legolas - bow, dagger, belt with scabbard, quiver with arrows and a shield. Initially, a helm was to be sculpted as part of the head with a tassel that would be added later, but this idea was dropped in favor of a removable helm. Variations for Legolas were never finalized.

Legolas Sculpted Bust

The initial concept art was done by RP and is shown below. The final control art was drawn by Arnie Swekel and has two thumbnails at the bottom of the page that link to larger drawings. A bust (shown above) was created by CC from some of the concept art, but that was as far as Legolas progressed as a figure in the line.

1st Concept Art

2nd Concept Art

3rd Concept Art

Final Concept Art

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