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The Mouth of Sauron

Mouth Of Sauron Head Concept ArtThe Mouth of Sauron was a messenger of the Dark Lord who delivered Sam's sword and Frodo's mithril coat to show that they were in the custody of Sauron. He was no Ringwraith but a black Numenorean, a living man in the service of Sauron.

This figure was to have a horse, which was to be sold separately. The accessories for this figure would include a lofty helm, curved nasty sword, nasty dagger, nasty scabbard on belt and a horse goad (instead of spurs). He would have been designed to ride a horse and there would also be a bundle that contained Sam's sword, Frodo's mithril coat and an Elven cloak.

The drawings are very striking of the figure, especially those designed and drawn by Arnie Swekel. Dan Frazier also provided some concept art for the Mouth and his mount. The two above are figure concept drawings by Dan Frazier, as are the middle two below. Thumbnailed below are two images by Arnie Swekel who also did the last two images. Pay careful attention to the design on the armor of the Mouth by Swekel to see the elaborate pattern of rings.

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Riding concept art

Concept art

Revised Helmets


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