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Treebeard is one of the Ents that lives in Fangorn forest (technically Treebeard's name is Fangorn) and befriended Merry and Pippen after they had escaped from the orcs holding them captive. He was one of the Ents that helped re-take Orthanc and facilitated the fall of Saruman and the destruction of his orc-breeding grounds.

Treebeard Heads

The figure was going to be designed without knee or neck articulation and would have been a deluxe figure due to the size (roughly fourteen inches). Accessories would have been a great vessel, ladle, bowl, and the keys of Orthanc. His right hand would have been able to hold the ladle and the left a fist. Another idea was to have some arrow ends that could be stuck into him for the effect of the "arrow-studded Treebeard". There was also some discussion about the eyes, such as using clear, gemstone like orbs that would have been back painted in nearly neon hues.

More Treebeard Heads

There are several drawings of Treebeard as the design was developed. Todd Lockwood did a great number of heads and those are all shown in the two rows above. RP did two concept drawings (shown below) and a final design was chosen. The final design was approved by Tolkien Enterprises, and is shown below along with the two images by RP.

First Concept Drawing

Second Concept Drawing

Final Approved Design

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