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Uglúk action figure

Uglúk was the captain of the orcs that captured Merry and Pippen. He was a member of the Uruk-Hai, who were a race of orcs bred by Sauron in Mordor and were considered more powerful than regular orcs. Uglúk was of the White Hand, who were orcs bred in Isengard by Saruman the White. He was eventually slain by Eomer of Rohan in a duel.

There were initially three versions of Uglúk, and then a follow-up version released in the mass-market assortment. He has ten points of articulation - two elbows and wrists, two ball-jointed shoulders, two ball-jointed thighs, the waist and head. Uglúk was designed and sculpted by Daniel Horne.

Uglúk On The Hunt - This is the 'standard issue' Uglúk and shows him as he would appear while hunting his favorite food- man flesh. He has a bow, three arrows with a quiver and a medicine bottle.

Uglúk At War - This version was exclusive to Diamond Comics and shows Ugluk prepared for battle. He has a shield (with the white hand of Saruman on it), sword, helmet and dagger. He also comes with a hexagonal base.

Uglúk In His Cave - This depiction has Ugluk as he would appear in his cave, perhaps resting or planning his next assault. This figure was exclusive to the Toy Vault Toy Club and was limited to 2000 pieces. He comes with a dagger, chest, three arrows and shield. His armor is colored bronze while the other versions have silver armor and he came with a hexagonal stand.

Uglúk the Orc - This was the mass-market version of Uglúk and had dark colored armor, similar to Uglúk in his cave. He also came with a helmet, sword, dagger and medicine bottle.

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