
WAVE 3: The Animated Series
Wave Three was an eagerly awaited assortment.
It featured top choices for Spidey villains: Green Goblin (following Hobgoblin, as per the Animated series chronology), Rhino, Scorpion, and "who-would've-thought-they'd-ever-make-a" Shocker
Plus, all the figures have actually appeared in the comic books. The best part about Wave 3, though,
is the inclusion of four classic Spider-Man villains from the early days of the comic book.
(Back when he only had ONE title!) Super-poseable Spidey was, and still is, a fantastic figure. While having a simpler, more
classic "John Romita Sr." style than the later fan-favorite MacFarlanesque "Web Trap Spidey", it is a top-choice "normal spidey" variation
especially in the category of articulation. Web Armor Spidey did actually appear (albeit briefly) in the comics - Web of Spider-Man #100, and later
in the Animated Series final finale as the armor clad Spider-Man of an alternate universe. Also, Wave 3 was noted for not including the Rhino initially
due to production delays on that figure. For awhile, Rhino was a rare and valuable find.
Green Goblin |
Shocker |
Web-Armor Spider-Man |
Super-Poseable Spider-Man |
Rhino |
Scorpion |