Though initially a fairly popular series, this set of figures contained more shelf stragglers than not. The only two that were even somewhat difficult to find were the Beast and Morph figures. Even so, with time, all the figures were readily available. This series did contain another first for the line in the creation of the Morph figure, a character that had exclusively appeared on the Fox Animated Series. During the Age of Apocalypse storyline, a character named Morph did appear. However, the appearance of this character was radically different than the version seen in this figure or on the animated series. This series also had one figure withdrawn from it before retail release. A Maverick figure was designed and produced for inclusion in this series. There are early production photos showing Maverick in this series. Interestingly, I know of at least one cardback that actually shows the Maverick picture mislabeled as Morph. The gold Maverick figure did eventually show up as a KayBee exclusive figure in a two-pack with Trevor Fitzroy. Although a blue repaint of the Maverick figure was released on a single card with the Mutant Genesis Series in 1995, the gold version was never released on a single card (despite the mistaken impression given by some price guides).