Year of release: 1991 (Black); 1994 (Silver); 1995 (White - X-men Classics)
Figure Number: 4905 (Black); 49370 (Silver); 43129 (White)
Accessories: One (1) Ligthning Bolt (Black and Silver); Two (2) Bolts (White)
Action Feature: Power Glow (Light Up Lightning Bolt on Chest)
Comments: As with all the first series X-Men, the original releases came
with white-bordered Series I trading cards. In most cases the character
on the trading card matched the figure in the package. Some exceptions
to this rule exist. First series cards were also characterized by the full
"peg hole" at the top of the card. All subsequent series had "hanger hooks"
that allow one to remove the figure from the rack without having to remove all the figures in front of it.
Storm represents the first female X-figure and was the last female issued
in this line until 1994 (and one of only two female issued in all of the Toy Biz's Marvel figures during that time). It has been reported that Storm was originally designed to have her lightning bolt light up when held. This plan was scrapped in favor of the current light up chest.
Storm has been repainted (and subsequently re-released) two times since this original version. The original mold was used for all three figures. At each stage, something was added to the figure. The second version included a winged cape and was painted silver to more closely match her costume in the comics at that time. Interestingly, there appear to be two versions of this particular figure. One is molded from a gray plastic and the other is obviously painted a more silver color.
The second repaint was released with the X-Men Classics line. This version was painted white and had a larger cape to more closely resemble the character as portrayed on the Fox animated series "X-Men."
This figure also came with two (2) lightning bolt accessories. Interestingly, the figure depicted in promotional photos of the X-men Classics line is actually the earlier Silver repaint instead of the figure actually included in this assortment. In addition, each of the classics figures came packaged with a special trading card representing that figure. These cards were not available outside these packages, making it a first for Toy Biz.
The original version of Storm (black) is now the most sought after figure from the first series of X-figures.

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