Marvel Legends 2-packs
Created by Rabid_Ewok ([email protected]).
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Hypno Hustler was made using a Marvel Legends Angel body with the wings removed and the back re-sculpted, and various costume details sculpted. The head is from a DC Universe Classics Bronze Tiger with sculpted goggles and hair. The guitar was scratch built with styrene, nails, fishing line, ribbon, and Apoxie Sculpt.
Magus was made using a Marvel Legends Captain Marvel body, with fists from a DC Universe Classics figure. The added costume details were made with styrene and Apoxie Sculpt. Both heads are from DC Universe Black Adam with sculpted hair. The infinity gauntlet is from a Marvel Legends Sentinel Series Cyclops with sculpted details added.
Screaming Mimi was made using a DC Universe Classics Dove body, with the left hand from a DC Universe Classics Cheetah. The added costume details were made with styrene and Apoxie Sculpt. The head is from a Marvel Legends Phoenix with sculpted hair.
Angar was made using a DC Universe Classics El Dorado body, with the added costume details sculpted. The fringe on his vest and boots was cut from a plastic tablecloth. The head is from a Marvel Legends Magneto (the box set version with the open mouth) with sculpted hair and mustache.