Coming this summer is a special series of new Star Wars vehicles designed by none other than the fans themselves, the Fan Concepts Series. The first vehicle in the series will be the the B-1 Interceptor, created by customizer Rabid_Ewok, and will be available exclusively at CustomCon 37.
The B-1 Interceptor was designed at the same time as the more famous B-Wing starfighter. Where the B-wing was a heavy starfighter designed chiefly for attacking large targets like capital ships, the B-1 was a smaller, faster version designed for attacking other starfighters. Though the ships design was sound, the rebel alliance ultimately chose the A-wing starfighter over the B-1. A few of the B-1's were kept by the rebels, but the fighter is more likely to be seen used by smugglers or pirates.
Star Wars Fan Concepts Series: B-1 Interceptor
Created by Rabid_Ewok (
Custom Gallery:
This fighter was created out of spare parts I had left over from other ships I have made. The cockpit is from a Y-wing, with a droid socket added. The main wing is a piece of balsa wood covered with styrene. The guns and the two smaller wings are from an X-wing, and their hinges are from the wings of Marvel Legends Angel figures. The small landing gear at the tip of the main wing is styrene, with another Angel hinge. The rest of the details were made with styrene and Apoxie. The pilot is a B-wing pilot body with the head and helmet of an A-wing pilot, and the droid is just a repainted astromech.