Luke's Toy Store announced an exclusive series of Minimates based on action figures of the 1980's. These Minimates were inspired by the classic figures themselves, and not from the characters in their respective media. This series includes Crystar from The Saga of Crystar, Auger and Granok from Inhumanoids, Ggripptogg from Power Lords, and Kung Fu Training Chuck Norris and Super Ninja from Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos. At the Luke's Toy Store booth, Luke handed out questionnaires asking collectors which of these 6 figures they had as a child, and which other classic figures they would like to see as Minimates.
80's Action Figures as Minimates
Created by Luke Porter ([email protected]).
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Crystar: Repainted basic minimate body, stickers for face, chest, back, shins, thighs, and shield, and a repainted sword from Frodo.
Auger: Repainted basic minimate body, stickers for helmet, chest, and back, horns cut from Brickarms missles, drill from Klaw.
Granok: Repainted Thing body, stickers for face and top of head.
Ggripptogg: Repainted Minimate body with arms modified to include two forearms, stickers for faces, chest, and thighs.
Kung Fu Training Chuck Norris: Repainted basic minimate body, stickers for face, chest, back, and shins, and hair and hands from Ryu.
Super Ninja: Repainted basic minimate body, lego sword, stickers for face, chest, back, and shins, and hair from Atlantean Soldier.