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Ultimate Green Goblin Bust

Ultimate Green Goblin Bust

The Green Goblin has been a constant thorn in Spider-Man's side (or vice versa) nearly since Spidey's inception. The Goblin is so associated with Spider-man that he was chosen to be the major villain in the big budget (and even bigger box office) Spider-Man movie. This Goblin is a bit different for long time fans of the wall-crawler as it represents the Green Goblin from the Ultimate Spider-Man comic. He's still Norman Osborn, he's still mad at Spidey and he's still green, but just a bit uglier. The original character was created by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee, and Mark Bagley (who contributed art for the box) had a hand in the ultimate version.

Ultimate Green Goblin BustDiamond Select Toys and Collectibles has created mini-bust of the horrific Goblin as part of their line of Ultimate Busts. The bust has the Goblin seething with hatred at his arch-rival, and this bust was designed as a companion to the Ultimate Spider-Man bust. Both are scaled to each other, and the Goblin has the remnants of webbing on his arm and base as he towers over the web-slinger at 7" in height. The sculpture is highly textured with the skin on the goblin having a mottled and scaly appearance, making him a potential 'before' model for Noxema. The base is a fiery pumpkin, and the belt features a gem-like setting. Gabriel Marquez sculpted this piece, and his work was recently seen in the Vampire: The Masquerade figures for Diamond Select as well as some work for McFarlane Toys. Art was prepared for the box by Mark Bagley, noted Marvel artist and Marvel Try-Out contest winner.

Ultimate Green Goblin Bust

What the Goblin lacks in articulation he makes up for in mean. He would be a great piece to place near your 'in box' at work just to prevent any work from making its way to you, plus he's heavy enough to pummel anyone you really don't like. The Goblin made me say that last part, please don't pummel or bludgeon anyone with this piece - it might break and then you'd feel bad. Plus you might get sued, and worse we might get sued for giving you the idea. So don't do it! That's our disclaimer. There are two versions of the bust, this standard one limited to a maximum run of 10,000 and a special version with translucent hands that is limited to 500.

Ultimate Green Goblin Bust

The bust is available at your local comics shops. This statue retails for $50 USD and comes packed in a cardboard box that has various pictures of the piece on the outside along with sculptor credit. The statue is packed inside pre-formed Styrofoam pieces (as opposed to the self-organizing kind) and has a Certificate of Authenticity that has the sculptor's and artist's signatures printed on it.

Ultimate Green Goblin Bust

More Pictures of the Green Goblin

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