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Marvel Universe
Origin Wolverine Bust

Marvel Universe Origin Wolverine bust

There are some wells that are used for years, and continue to be visited. Wolverine is one character who represents that well, and frequent trips are made back to him for merchandising. He's always been a popular character, partly due to his mystery but more likely because he's a rebel, that one guy who just does whatever he wants just like we'd like to do. And whatever he wants means lots of merchandise, bub!

After years of mystery and intrigue, Marvel finally decided to tell the origin story of Wolverine, in the aptly named Origin mini-series. He started out almost entirely opposite of how he ended up. He was a weak and sickly boy, being born over a century ago to a well-to-do family. James Howlett was his name, and he had few friends.

Marvel Universe Origin Wolverine bust

A traumatic childhood blossomed into adulthood as he was introduced to his mutant heritage in an act of violence. His pubescent claws breaking the skin for the first time was like a re-birth, and from then on his life would change drastically. He went off on his own, and spent much time living like an animal. Some guys say they run with the wolves, but James literally did.

Marvel Universe Origin Wolverine bust
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Big Picture
Like Caine on Kung Fu, there is a spiritual side to his journey. That goal - of discovering oneself - is laudable for everyone, though you don't always need to live in the woods to find yourself! However, self-discovery is often a painful enterprise, especially where it concerns the man who would eventually become Wolverine.

The final issue of the mini-series brought the saga to a climax, with Wolverine facing a rival for his love's affection. The final match is in a cage (in a scene that may have been influenced by the cage-match introduction in the X-Men movie), and the two men fight. In the end, Logan (as James is now called) throws the fight to let his love marry the other man, perhaps knowing in his heart that though he loves her it isn't enough for her to be happy.

Marvel Universe Origin Wolverine bust
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Losing out on his love is a pretty bad day, but it gets worse. Later, his love is accidentally shoved into his withdrawn claws, killing her by his hands. That's when your bad day gets worse. Did we mention he also had four overdue library books?

The Origin bust is part of the continuing Marvel Universe series. Previous busts in the line include Daredevil, New X-Men Wolverine, Hulk, and Dr. Doom just to name a few. And there are many more coming, like Mephisto, Morbius and Professor X. Keep an eye here and at the Diamond Select homepage to keep up with events, and you can also sign up as a Radical (for free) to get info sent to you by e-mail. And you never know when they might send you a goodie or two!

The artist of Origin, Adam Kubert, worked to help design this bust where it was handed off to Dave Cortez. In Dave's able hands, he sculpted the mini-bust, and his work can be seen far and wide in other busts from Diamond Select and lately in the Hellboy figures from Mezco. Cortez has done another great job, adding to his already impressive portfolio.

Marvel Universe Origin Wolverine bust

Since the mini-series was published in 2001, that made a great number for the production run. And also a great number to use for the included, full-color certificates of authenticity that were hand-numbered. Well, they aren't numbered in hands (like a horse) but rather by someone's hand, in Arabic numerals no less. And with Dave Cortez's signature on it, forgers the land over can work on their craft.

Marvel Universe Origin Wolverine bust

More Pictures of Wolverine

Where to buy the Marvel Universe Origin Wolverine Bust: This statue is a limited edition of 2,001, and it retails in the $40 to $45 USD price range. It is available at comic book stores, as well as at various online toy and collectible retailers.

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