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Ultimate Spider-Man Bust

Ultimate Spider-Man Bust

The Amazing Spider-Man is not only an icon and part of American pop culture, but he is the de facto spokesman for Marvel Comics. Ever since he was created by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee, he's been a popular character. Spider-man wasn't cut from the same cloth as other heroes - he was a high school student, he was poor, he had trouble with girls and he was a geek. When he has powers bestowed upon him he isn't even noble, but uses them to make money and become famous. Only when his selfishness is reflected back on him by the death of his Uncle Ben due to his inaction does he realize that 'with great power must come great responsibility'. Too bad the people who ran Enron didn't read comics.

Ultimate Spider-Man BustDiamond Select Toys has made a resin bust of Spider-Man from the Ultimate Spider-Man comic. The bust has Spidey dynamically posed as if he just swung in and is about to shoot a webline out his left shooter. The pose goes very well with the Ultimate Green Goblin bust as the two square off (and they are both sculpted in scale with each other). The bust is 6.5" tall, which is a bit shorter than the Goblin bust.

This bust was sculpted by Sam Greenwell and was designed by Greenwell and Mark Bagley. Bagley is an artist for Spider-Man and got his start in comics by winning a contest from Marvel through the Marvel Try-Out book. Sam Greenwell also sculpted the Red Skull statue for Diamond, and this bust is limited to 10,000 pieces. There is a limited edition of this bust that has Spidey 'sans-webbing' and that will only be 500 pieces. Both busts come with a certificate of authenticity with both Greenwell's and Bagley's signatures.

This is a bust made of resin and painted, and has no articulation. The base of the bust has a spider symbol that is covered with webbing, and Spidey himself is holding the end of a strand that wraps around behind him. You can simulate him swinging through the city by holding the bust out with your arms then zooming it quickly past your face (while not running it into your face).

Ultimate Spider-Man Bust

The bust is available at your local comics shops. It retails for about $45 and comes packed in a cardboard box that has various pictures of the piece on the outside along with sculptor credit. The statue is packed inside pre-formed Styrofoam pieces. Please don't eat the Styrofoam as it might come out in the same shape as you swallow it. Ouch!

Ultimate Spider-Man Bust

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