Origin Wolverine Bust
There are some characters that are always second-tier and get lower billing and exposure. And then there are the few characters that are just the opposite - they are exploited both in exposure and in merchandising. In the world of Marvel Comics, Spider-Man is number one, and Wolverine is second, even if he is the best there is at what he does.
Perhaps the most interesting and appealing aspect of Wolverine has been his mysterious past. His first appearance was relatively uneventful in the pages of The Incredible Hulk, but when he made the cut for the 'all-new, all-different' team that debuted in Giant Size X-Men #1, he hit the big time. Readers took and interest in the character and he quickly become the most popular member of the X-Men, status he continues to enjoy to this day.
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In an almost X-Files-like unfolding his origin has been slowly revealed over the years, and even though more and more gets revealed it seems we never find out the real beginning. Finally, the (dare we say it) true origin of the man who would be Wolverine was revealed in the aptly titled Origin. Here we learn that he was born in the late 19th century, and has been around ever since thanks to his mutant genes that give him a potent version of Dick Clark disease, which has kept him relatively young without the need for Oil of Olay.
In his adolescence young James (his given name) is a sickly boy and shows no indications about the man he will become. When violence erupts on his family's estate from a disgruntled groundskeeper (with the catchy name Logan), so does James. Like most boys in puberty he finds his body makes some changes, and he feels something hard pushing to get out. In his case it happens quite literally, with six bone claws. His short and stubby claws are still deadly (he'll have to wait for the internet to be invented by Al Gore so he can get those claw enlargement ads), and thus begin his path to at least fame if not fortune.
Wolverine is ubiquitous when you consider action figures, but not so in the world of mini-busts. Dynamic Forces has chosen the younger version from Origin to bring forth their mini-bust of Wolverine. It depicts the moment after his claws are first revealed and he stands in horror at what he's done and what he is. While every man may recall the joys and shocks of puberty, only 2,000 will be able to get this mini-bust to serve as a reminder (and even less - 900 - can get the bloodied variant).
Wolverine's head is thrown back, with his mouth open in horror. His mutant healing power must also extend to his teeth, because he has no fillings in his pearly whites. Tears stream from both of his eyes, detailed by small streaks of clear gloss paint.
The mini-bust is eight inches tall from top to the bottom, with an ornate base with Victorian period flourishes and painted to look as tarnished and aged metal. Around it there are images of Logan, with the Origin logo in the front. The eyes on the faces on the base are painted with a metallic paint to give them almost a possessed appearance. The bust was designed and sculpted by Martin Canale and Pablo Viggiano, with Martin Canale doing double duty to also design and sculpt the base.
The regular edition bust retails for around $90 USD, and although the Dynamic Forces site is now sold out, you might be able to find one at your local comic book store. The bloodied variant edition is still available through Dynamic Forces for a bit more than the regular edition.
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