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Phantom of the Opera

Phantom of the Opera action figure

Universal Monsters logoSideshow Toy's 12-inch action figure based on the 1925 Lon Chaney, Sr., film is part of their continuing series of Universal Monsters figures.

Sideshow Toy logoThe Phantom figure is packed in a "fifth panel" box, meaning that it has a flap on the front which opens to reveal the figure under a window panel. The front flap features the poster from the 1925 film.

The figure comes with a violin, bow, fedora, mask, opera cap, and a stand/base. His outfit has many details on it, such as the chain across his vest and the buttons on the back of his jacket. His cape has a delicate loop closure to hold the collar closed. The mask fits nicely over the Phantom's face and the fedora hat fits on top of the mask.

The portrait sculpture of the Phantom figure was done by Oluf W. Hartvigson, and the Phantom's body is the "standard" 12-inch Sideshow body, with the following points of articulation:

  • neck
  • shoulders (ball jointed)
  • bicep twists
  • elbows (double-jointed)
  • forearm twists
  • wrists (move in two planes)
  • chest
  • waist
  • hips (ball jointed)
  • thigh twists
  • knees (double-jointed)
  • lower-leg twists
  • ankles

Phantom of the OperaHis hands are sculpted so that he can be posed playing his violin. The violin has metal wires for strings, which is a very nice detail for an accessory.

The Phantom of the Opera figure is a limited edition of 5,000 figures, and retails in the $23 to $30 USD range. It can be found in specialty retailers and at online stores such as Entertainment Earth, and ABoyd.com. The Sideshow Toy online store is sold out of this figure.

Phantom of the Opera action figure

Phantom of the Opera action figure

Phantom of the Opera action figure

Phantom of the Opera action figure

Phantom of the Opera action figure

Phantom of the Opera action figure

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