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Sideshow Collectibles Comic-Con Gift Card Contest

At the 2006 Comic-Con International in San Diego, as part of the many festivities in their booth, Sideshow Collectibles handed out gift cards to booth visitors.

Each gift card has a random code on the back: when you check the code on the Sideshow web site, you could see the value of the card. Each card handed out had a value ranging from $10 to $100.

The Sideshow Collectibles team was kind enough to supply RTM with two gift cards to award to our readers. Each of the two cards will be awarded to separate winners. We have not checked on the codes, so we do not know the value of the cards.

To enter the contest, complete this form. Click on "Submit Entry" when ready to send.


The entry period for the contest is now over. Congrats to the winners, David Thompson and BobC2!

The rest of the fine print:

  • The prize for this contest is a Sideshow Collectibles gift card of unknown value. Two separate winners will win one gift card each.
  • Entry period ends at noon Eastern time on Wednesday, August 2, 2006.
  • You may enter once per email address.
  • You must be over 18 to enter. (If you are younger, please ask a parent to enter for you.)
  • The drawing is a random process, with the winner chosen at random from all eligible entries.
  • The prize will be "shipped" to the winner via email: we will email you the code from the back of the gift card. If the winners want the physical gift cards, we will be happy to snail mail them, but we will also be emailing them the codes so that they may redeem the cards more quickly.
  • Sideshow Collectibles has a whole batch of fine print for the gift cards, so be sure to read over that carefully as well.

Want to enter more contests? Check out the contests links page, with links to other toy contests from around the Internet.

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