Basically an alteration of various Resaurus figure parts. Head: CQB Seal
figure head repainted and sculpted for face mask and breathing apparatus.
Body: Seal Diver camo body. Assault rifle, pistol and combat knife from
Resaurus and Plan-B toys figures. Backpack from Dollar Store military figure.

Much credit has to be given here to Invisible Wraith and … for the basis of
this recipe. Figure is a Plan-B Mercenary body repainted, and Green Beret MAC
advisor head. Backpack is from a dollar store soldier, shotgun from Toy R’ Us
“ruff n’ tuff” figures, and pistol and SMG from Plan-B toys. Shotgun shells
and SMG holster home-crafted from wire and sculpy, respectively.

Recondo’s form must again be credited to an original idea by Invisible Wraith
with his “Shipwreck” figure. Basically a redone Resaurus Green Beret Recon
Officer with beard and facial details added. All weapons from Resaurus Special
Forces Series one. Backpack from dollar store figure. Camouflage blanket hand
crafted (on inside of roll it actually looks like a gilly-suit with textured
camouflage detail).

Rock n’ Roll:
Figure is a Plan-B Ranger figure with sculpy added to form beard and hair, and
a repaint of face to remove camouflage face paint. Mini-gun from a McFarlane
Spawn figure, M-60 and ammunition belts with M-60 and across chest from Toys
R’ Us “ruff n’ tuff” figures, and backpack from dollar store figure. Combat
knife and pistol from Plan-B toys.

Dusty and Footloose:
Dusty is made from the body of a Plan-B Navy Seals Fire Team figure, and
Resaurus Urban Sniper head repainted and remodelled. All weapons and gear
except for backpack come from Plan-B toys. Backpack from dollar store figure.
Footloose is a Resaurus Green Beret MAC Advisor body, and Resaurus Green
Beret Recon Officer head with helmet added. Weapons (except grenade launcher)
from Resaurus, grenade launcher from Palisade’s Chris Redfield figure, helmet
(without camo detail) and backpack from dollar store figure.

remodelling and repainting of the Toy Biz Cyclops from the X-Men movie series
2. Assault rifle from Plan-B toys. Pistol, knife and UZI from Toys R’ Us “Ruff
N’ Tuff” figures, and backpack from dollar store figure.

Snake Eyes:
ML Namor figure redone and repainted. Handgun, submachine gun and knife from
Palisades Resident Evil Figures. Grenades from Plan-B toys. Sword from
McFarlane Viking Spawn figure, and straps and pouches from bits and pieces and
elastic bands.

HALO Master Chief figure repainted, with visor cut away to reveal face. Face
inserted into helmet belongs to a McFarlane Al Simmons figure repainted.
Weapons from HALO figure. Tube harness extra.

Metal Gear Solid Snake body with armour and harness from Final Fantasy:
Spirits Within figures, and head and gun-arm from Metal Gear Cyber ninja

Resaurus Navy Seal CQB body repainted with
camouflage, and Plan-B Seal team Red Cell figure head, repainted. All gear
except for wire cutters and gas tank from Resaurus or Plan-B. Gas tank and
wire cutters from Toys R’ Us “ruff n’ tuff” figures.

Resident Evil Series one Figure repainted and redone. Submachine gun, pistol
and knife from Resident Evil figure. Backpack and hand held anti-armour
weapons from dollar store figures. Missile launcher units from Toybiz X-men
series 2 cyclops. Helmet and visor original sculpt, non-removable.

Resaurus Green Beret body and webgear. Head from
Plan-B Navy Seal night diver. Helmet and knife from Final Fantasy “spirits
within” figure. Submachine gun, night-vision monocular (unstrapped), and
pistol from Plan-B. Assault rifle from Dollar store figure.

Alley Viper:
Metal Gear Solidus Snake figure body, Spawn head. Shield from ML Ghost Rider
motorcycle. Assault rifle and sniper rifle from Spawn figure. Submachine gun
from Solidus Snake.

Ghost Rider body. Head from LOTR Gondorian Ranger, with sculpted on hood. Belt
buckle from Spawn figure. Bow and arrow in hand from Onimusha Samurai figure.
Submachine gun from dollar store figure. Arrow quiver sculpted from sculpey.

Destro: ML Punisher,
repainted and with sculpey. Necklace from random bits. Submachine gun and
pistol on Destro from Spawn Al Simmons figure. Briefcase, phone and submachine
gun from Toys R’ Us “ruff n’ tuff” figures, and revolver from Resident Evil

Bonus Figures
DC Black Adam head, Plan-B Seal Night Diver body and pistol. Vest from Plan-B
mercenary. Other weapons from Toys R’ Us “ruff n’ tuff”.

Resaurus Urban Sniper body. Plan-B Mercenary “sack” head repainted and
resculpted. Vest and gear except for shotgun from Plan-B. Shotgun from
Resident Evil figure.
