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Raving Toy Maniac & CustomCon 10 Present


Spider-Man Legacy Wars

Series 1


Peter Parker retires from being Spiderman and Ben Reilly, his clone, becomes the new Spiderman. In the bonding with Carnage, it causes a mutation disease, only Carnage cures when bonded to Ben. Thinking another bonding with Carnage will help find a cure for him, Ben bonds with Carnage again and, with help from Peter, to have some test done on him. But it wasn’t the case at all. The Carnage symbiote had left a fragment of itself in Ben to clone itself again causing the mutation disease instead of a new symbote. So when Ben rebounded with Carnage it was able to cure the disease and take full control over Ben sending him mad and evil. Spider Carnage is born again! This time for good.

Spider Carnage goes on a spree of evil ethics of violence and vigilante street justice for fun and has to be stopped. But with no powers to fight with Peter can’t stop him, he turns to the Fantastic Four for help. Peter travels through dimensions to find a cure for Ben and is aided by different versions of him to stop Spider Carnage. Peter assembles a team of various Spider men with different powers he has held to end the threat of Spider Carnage.


 Spider Carnage (eyes will glow)






Black suit (eyes & symbol will glow)





Scarlet Spider (eyes will glow)





Spider Clan (eyes & symbol will glow)





Ultimate Spiderman (eyes will glow)





Blood Spider (eyes & symbol will glow)






Spiderman 2099





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