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Raving Toy Maniac & CustomCon 10 Present



My name is Jason DeMarte and I have been collecting comics for 20 years.  The Avengers is one of my favorite books and cast of heroes. I have been dabbling in customizing since 1996, although this is my first submission to a Custom Con (thanks to finally getting a digital camera). I have been working on a Beast figure to go with this line, but did not complete it in time. I hope I can get it ready for the next Custom Con.  If you have any questions or comments, my email is: [email protected].  Thanks for looking. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did making them.

Captain America

Base was a TNBA Detective Batman.  The mask was cut into a nose.  The utility belt has been sanded off.  The boot cuffs and ear wings are Kneadatite.  The shield came from the Toys R’ Us Cap and Bucky two pack.



Base was a Happy the Clown from Batman Beyond.  The figure’s overhead throwing action still works.   I trimmed the face to give it more Nordic features.   Cut down the pant legs and vest.  The helmet, boots, shoulder pads, and shirt discs are Kneadatite.  The helmet wings are from a Total Justice Hawkman.  The hammer is from the Avengers box set.


Iron Man

Base was an Anti-Kryptonite Superman.   The head is from an Iron Man Black Lash with the ponytail cut off.  The helmet face plate, boot cuffs, and chest plate are made out of Kneadatite.  This is still one of my favorite customs, from finding the perfect base, to getting the add-on part just right.


Base was a Bruce Wayne with a TNBA Detective Batman head.  The mask and arm bands are Kneadatite.  The loincloth is cut from a Batman cape.   The bow is from a Totals Justice Green Arrow and the quiver is an old marker cap with a strap made from the Batman Arkham Escape straight jacket.



Repainted Tinkerbell from a Peter Pan happy meal toy.  Skirt is made from Kneadatite.



Base was a Justice League Martian Manhunter.   Cut and sanded the boot cuffs, chest straps and forehead off.  The waist section is made of Kneadatite.


From left to right:  Thor, Hawkeye, Captain America, Iron Man, Wasp, and Vision.



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