Raving Toy Maniac
& CustomCon 10 Present
Chris Bachalo’s
In the mid 90s, the Xavier Institute, founded by Charles Xavier, opened its
Massachusetts Academy's doors to a new generation of mutant teenagers. Under
the tutelage of headmasters Sean Cassidy (aka Banshee) and Emma Frost
(formerly the White Queen), a new team was assembled. Meet the new mutant
class of 1995, GENERATION X! |
Headmaster Sean Cassidy can vary the frequency of his “sonic scream” to shatter
mountains, incapacitate his opponents, or fly on its sound waves! His veteran
experience and service to the X-Men has made Banshee a natural leader and mentor
to the new recruits!
Once an enemy of the X-Men, the reformed Emma Frost is one of the most deadly
and ruthless telepathic mutants alive. She also has a knack for guiding
impressionable youth, which makes her a practical yet apprehensive choice to
teach the newest students to the Xavier Institute.
Everett Thomas has the mutant ability to put himself “in synch” with mutants
who are within a close physical proximity to him, mimicking their abilities.
He feels confident about the control he has over his own powers, but can get
cocky when using someone else’s, proving he still has much to learn.
Angelo Espinoza escaped gang life in South Central L.A. when he enrolled in
the Massachusetts Academy. He has about six feet of extra skin on his body,
which he can stretch and wrap around objects. His skin also has an unmeasured
degree of resistance to punctures and tearing!
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