For anyone who
doesn't know, this is the tiger from the great comic strip, "Calvin and
Hobbes," NOT Tony the Tiger:) I am also working on a Calvin figure, but I'm
having trouble getting the facial features just right. This figure embodies
what I love most about customizing. With a little creativity and the right
tools, anything is possible. This guy started out as a Star Trek T'Pol
figure from Art Asylum. Most of the body was covered with rubbery
"clothes," so I had to cut those off and expose the "skeleton" underneath.
The arms were way too long, so I cut them off at the elbow. I added
sculpted paws and the elbows became wrists. Likewise, I cut off the legs at
about mid-thigh and sculpted feet at the bottom. The rest of the detail had
to be dremmeled off and resculpted. The tail is just some cord I found
lying around.
Bizarro Lois
This was the
first custom I ever made. I had just finished reading a collection of
"Tales from the Bizarro World" and became fascinated with Bizarro
Superman. Since my Bizarro figure is the recent purple one from DC
Direct, she doesn't really match him, but I still think she's pretty good
for my first try. She is made from an X-Men Classics Rogue. I sliced at
the features until they had the "blocky" look, dremmeled the hair off and
made the new hairdo out of Sculpey. The decal was printed from a computer
art program.
Wonder Girl
The Wonder Girl
from the Silver Age two-pack didn't look quite right with the rest of
the Teen Titans, so I made this one in her original costume. I'm actually
pretty proud of her. She looks pretty good next to the other DC Direct
sidekicks from the two-packs (Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Speedy). Her
head, arms, and torso are basically a repainted April O'Neal from the new
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line, and her legs are from a Power Rangers
Heroes figure. I had to shave bits of plastic off and reshape them a
little until they fit. Then I just added a ponytail from Sculpey.
Pennywise the
Dancing Clown (I)
This is the first
time I tried to create the scariest clown ever, from Stephen King's "IT".
When I first finished this one, I thought it looked pretty good. Then I
noticed a lot of things I didn't like about it. This one is made from a DC
Direct Cassidy, from the Preacher series. I dremmeled off the sunglasses
and flat-top haircut, then resculpted most of the head. The clothing and
big shoes are also sculpted on, with painted fabric ruffles and pom poms
glued on. The balloons are painted styrofoam balls with wire stuck in
them. The
bulky clothing caused a lot of problems with the articulation. Watch for
the second (and much improved) attempt later on.
Looks much better
than the first one, doesn't he? I am extremely proud of how this figure turned
out. The base figure didn't have many joints, so it made the baggy costume much
easier to create. Although I lost some articulation(only the head, shoulders,
and wrists are movable), I think it was worthwhile. A DC Direct Elijah Snow
(Planetary) gave his life for this figure. I dremeled off the hair and made the
clown wig out of clay(I usually use Premo). I removed some of the facial
details and resculpted them, particularly the mouth -- Pennywise needs an open
mouth, while the base figure had it closed. For the clothing, I used the dremel
to remove the details, such as collars, lapels, and pant cuffs and sculpted
right over them with LOTS of yellow clay. I also added the big clown shoes. I
drilled a hole in his fist to allow him to hold a bunch of painted styrofoam
"balloons" with floral wire "string." The ruffles around the neck, arms, and
ankels are painted bias tape, sewn on and glued in place. For a finishing
touch, I glued on orange pompoms and purple trim around the edges of the
jacket. |
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