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Raving Toy Maniac Presents

Brian R.'s Customs


Brian can be contacted at [email protected]

The Black Knight


This is the Marvel's Gold Black Knight with a helmet from a Magneto figure with foil confetti for the ear pieces, putty to fill in the front of the helmet, and a piece of styrene plastic for the crest.



I always liked this Joe Quesada designed costume Lorna wore in X-Factor for a while.  She is made from a Jean Grey body with a Vindicator head and hair from an Adam Warlock figure.  The belt and leg band are strips of plastic.

Doctor Strange


This is the costume the Doc wore in the mini-series "The Order".  The head is from a Silver Surfer figure, and I repainted the body from the regular Dr. Strange figure.  The Surfer head didn't have much of a neck, so I built it up with putty in order for the cape to sit properly.




Stingray is a Spider-man repaint with the "wings" cut from a piece of vinyl.

Jack of Hearts


Jack is made from a Black Tom Cassidy body with Pyro arms and an X-cutioner head.  His gauntlets, belt, neck, collar, and boot tops are sculpted from milliputt, and the rest of his costume is cut from a piece of vinyl.

Wonder Woman


  Diana is a repainted Phoenix figure with confetti stars and a piece of a hair tie used for her rope.



Animal Man


 This is a repainted Total Justice Super-boy  with milliput goggles and a jacket from a Cyclops figure.




Aztek the ultimate man is made from a Toy-Biz Captain Britain figure.  His gauntlets and belt are elastic bands, his shoulder thingies and chest emblem are sculpted from milliput, and the spikes on his head are dremelled down helmet pieces from a couple of Stinger (Marvel's First Appearance series) figures.



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