Toyman – Superman the Animated
Series and Justice League Unlimited Toyman is
actually made from a Mattel Robin (from the
waist up) and Mattel
Joker’s legs. I used Kneadatite to sculpt the
head and body. The eyes are
Scotch plastic tape and his smile was printed
off the computer from a
picture from http://www.worldsfinestonline.com.
His head and arms are
Two Face – The New Batman Animated
Just a simple repaint. I wanted a Two Face with
show accurate colors.
Weather Wizard – Superman the
Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited
Weather Wizard is made from the body of Two Face
with Kneadatite to cover up
the details. His hair and gloves are Kneadatite
and his hand was replaced
with one from the Joker. His head is from Ra's
al Ghul and his visor was
cut from a green plastic soda bottle. His belt
and buckle are Scotch plastic
tape and his weapon is made from a tube from a
spray bottle covered with
Kneadatite the spheres at the end are sculpted. |
Hal Jordan - Justice League Unlimited
episode “Once and Future Thing” Part
I thought it was very unfair for Mattel to make
this figure and not offer it
to the general public, so I set out to make my
own. He is made entirely out
of a Waverider body and his hair is Kneadatite.
I made the lantern symbol
myself on the computer |

Spellbinder – Batman Beyond
This one is made from a Rumble Ready Riddler
figure from the second Batman
animated line. His head is underneath but its
covered with Kneadatite. In
the second pic you'll see I used the left over
Kneadatit to make a Hypno-Eye
for him. The handle is also from the spray bottle


Inque – Batman Beyond
Inque is made form a Hawkgirl body and the head
of Catwoman. Her hair is
Kneadatite. Not my best work, but I’m pleased
with her.

Firefly - The New Batman Animated Adventures
and Justice League
He’s made from the body of Two Face with Kneadatite
to cover up the details
and to make up the helmet, eyes and gloves. His
antenna is cut from a paper
clip and painted. The original hand was removed
and replaced with one that
could hold a gun. His wings are cut out from a
clear dvd cover and painted,
his back pack (which I should have taken a picture
of, but will do in the
future) is made of Kneadatite. His weapon is from
Mr. Freeze (the first
Batman animated version) with the handle removed
and glued to the end and
the flame was Mr. Freeze’s icicle painted with
clear orange paint. |
Clayface - The New Batman Animated
Adventures and Justice League
I made this guy out of a JLU Target exclusive
Doomsday. The eyes and mouth
are Scotch plastic tape and the body has quite
an amount of Kneadatite.
He’s a little heavy. |

Dreamslayer - Justice League Unlimited
episode “Shadow of the Hawk” Dreamslayer is made
out of a Slade body and his head is Waverider’s
His cape is vinyl and Scotch plastic tape. |

Luminous – Superman the Animated Series
and Justice League
I had wanted to make Luminous for some time now,
but I couldn’t find a
suitable body. I finally thought to use a JLU
Dove. It really wasn’t what
I was looking for but I thought I settle for this
for now. I sanded down
some of the facial details and made the designs
from Scotch plastic tape
that I painted in that color. |

The Top - Justice League Unlimited episode
“Flash and Substance”
He is made out of a Two Face body with Kneadatite
to cover the details and
his head is from the Flash. The stripes and symbol
on his body is Scotch
plastic tape and his hair is Kneadatite. |

Calendar Girl – The New Batman Animated
Adventures episode “Mean Seasons”
This one made entirely form the body of the Green
Lantern, Katma Tui. Some
of her face details were sanded down slightly.
Her hair is Kneadatite and
her skirt is cut out of Scotch plastic tape. |

Silver Banshee - Justice League Unlimited
Silver Banshee is made from a Dr. Light figure.
I had to cut off and sand
down some of the details that remained after I
removed her hair and head
gear. Her hair, ears and earrings are Kneadatite. |

Volcana – Superman the Animated Series
and Justice League Unlimited
Please do not mistake the figure for the custom,
it’s the accessory. I had
an extra one from Dr. Light and I painted it with
clear orange paint. I
thought she would look good with a flame on her
hand. |

Weyoun – Star Trek Deep Space Nine
I always wanted a Weyoun figure but Playmates
never made one. I saw others
using these molds so I thought I would give it
a shot. The body is
Professor Data from “All Good Things” and his
head is from Capt. Mackenzie
Calhoun. His ears and hair are sculpted from Kneadatite.
I am quite happy
with him. |

Lore – Star Trek – The Next Generation
I thought Lore looked cool in his Borg leader
outfit form the episode
“Descent” Part 2, so I tried this. His torso is
from a Locutus and his legs
are from Voyager’s Lt. Carey. The rest of the
details are made from
Kneadatite. The legs were cut down slightly to
match the height of Data. |