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Created by "DoubleKillah Studios":

RoboKillah ([email protected])

Doubledealer ([email protected])


Doubledealer sacrificed 2 lambs and his left pinkie toe to make Emma Frost, Beast, Variant Wolverine, Kitty, and Colossus.

RoboKillah rented his soul out for the weekend, only to have it returned broken, to make Wolverine, Cyclops, Nick Fury, and Ord.

Wolverine was made from a ML6 Brown Wolverine.

Beast was made from a ML4 Beast

Seeing a trend here?

Nick Fury was made from a ML5 Nick Fury. Surprise!

Emma Frost was made from a lot of sculpting compound. DD is mysterious like that.

Cyclops was made from a ML2 Namor with a XMC Cyclops head.

The variant Wolverine was made from a ML6 Brown Wolverine. DoubleKillah Studios: Clearing out the pegwarmers for you!

Shadowcat was made from an ML 4 Elektra and a little voodoo.

Ord was made from a LOTR figure that I can't remember the name of, while the head is from an Alien Racers figure... that I can't remember the name of.

Colossus was made from a... you ready for this?... a ML 5 Colossus.

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