After a yearlong hiatus, Distant Thunder Studios is proud to announce the relaunch of its very successful line, Legends of the JLA.
With the hype coming off of the critically acclaimed Identity Crisis, DTS decided to start the relaunch off with classic Bronze Age versions of these iconic characters. That, and because everybody wanted to do Identity Crisis toys this year....
Wave 1 shows off some of the core members of the League, all highly articulated and complete with accessories.
Beautiful as she is deadly, longtime member Black Canary gets an updated action figure, sporting 27 points of articulation and a removable leather jacket.
The Flash made a stylized appearance in the first series of JLA Legends, and so he returns to the line in his more classic costume. He sports 20 points of useful articulation, and comes with a display stand for running poses.
The Emerald Archer makes a grand appearance in the line as one of two deluxe figures in Wave 1. Starting off with an impressive 39 points of articulation, Green Arrow also includes his bow and removable backpack with 6 arrows!
Certainly one of the more memorable Green Lanterns, Guy Gardner takes John Stewart's slot this wave, which should surprise no one. Let's face it, the guy's an ass. He's gonna take whatever he can get. In any case, Guy sports 22 points of articulation, and comes with sword and shield ring projections.
Also getting his first figure in the line, Hawkman is the second deluxe figure in the wave. He features massive wings, a removable mask, and 26 points of articulation. He also comes with mace and shield.
Waves 1 & 2 will be released simultaneously, with a peek at wave 2 coming up!
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