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"Occult Wars: Wave 1"

Created by David Harris ([email protected]).


Morpheus: Made from a Hercules Iolas head and a Spiderman body. The cape is from a Harry Potter Voldemort figure, the raven from a Batman animated Scarecrow and the helmet is built from scratch. The helmet fits over a Spiderman head that can be swapped with the Iolas head. I was a bit disappointed with Morpheus, he turned out just as I thought he would, but I'd hoped he'd look better. I'm thinking that I'll eventually change his left hand, that weird fist seems inappropriate.

Nightmare: I've seen this custom on several sites, and I don't know who first thought of the recipe. I like how it turned out though. It uses a Spiderman Hobgoblin body, a Water Wars Nightcrawler head and a Batman cape.

Blackheart: A Venom Planet of the Symbiotes Lasher figure, with a Spiderman Lizard tail. He's bigger than I'd have liked, but aside from that I'm pleased.

Abe Sapien: I liked how this guy turned out. The head is from a JLA box set Lex Luthor, the body belonged to a Spiderman. The various fins were cut from Ghost Rider flames, and the belt and accessories came from some cheap military figures.

Dan Ketch: Spiderman Peter Parker head, arms and legs, Spiderman Spider Sense Peter Parker jacket and yet another Spiderman torso. He's based on Dan's appearance in "Ghost Riders: Crossroads". I suppose this figure is fairly mediocre, but I needed a version of Dan Ketch other than the one Toy Biz released!

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