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Gone are the coins and magic mushrooms. Gone are the catchy theme songs and fun loving cartoony attitude. Definitely gone are the Go-Kart races. Gone are the extra lives. This time it's for real.

Based on the new alternate-universe video game "Super Mario Brothers X", The Hipster Doofus, (formerly Ghetto Thunder Studios) brings you the first series of the all new action figure line intended for mature collectors.

Series 1 includes the first non-cartoon versions of Mario, the revenge seeking Luigi (with fireball and torture scars), "Hand to hand combat" Toad, and the all new design for the former Princess Toadstool, now known as the martial arts assassin "T". Each figure comes with weapons and accessories to help recreate scenes from the hit video game.

Series 2 is set to include a 13" poseable Bowser, the Koopa King, roto-cast Global Mayhem Battle Androids (G.M.B.A.s) and Koopa's Personal Army (K.P.A) Troopers.





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