Sideshow's "Angel" Series
Lorne, the empath demon from Pylea, served as a major ally to Angel and his associates. At his demon-friendly bar Caritas, Lorne enforces a No Violence policy, and reads people's destinies when they sing karaoke. He's a lover, not a fighter, and he'd rather relax with a sea breeze cocktail than send the forces of hell back to where they belong. But the demon formerly known as Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan loyally stood by Angel throughout his career as a detective helping the hopeless, and followed him to the pandimensional law firm Wolfram & Hart, taking a job heading the entertainment division. This 13" fully poseable action figure is attired from the key episode "Life of the Party," when Lorne's efforts to support his friends by throwing the firm's annual Halloween party take an unexpected turn.
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