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Star Trek Playmates 4.5-inch "Surprise Farewell" Wave

Created by Andy Kinnear ([email protected]).


Admiral Hurani Buedro - All Good Things LaForge head, on an AGT Admiral Riker body. The "future" Comm Badge was sliced off, and replaced with a TNG era one. The face and hands are repainted to match each other in a darker flesh colour, and I retained the Riker accessories. The TNG base is from spares I kept. This Admiral is the ancestor of a character I created for an online series - Star Trek Renaissance, set forty years after DS9 and Voyager, although the Buedro character has not made an appearance as of yet. The website for Star Trek Renaissance is here.

Nurse Alyssa Ogawa - A Captain Janeway head on an Ensign Ro Laren torso with Lieutenant Yar arms and legs. (Ironically cheaper than a 1701 Yar in this case!) I then carefully cut off Janeway's face, and "sandwiched" a Keiko O'Brien face in its place using Milliput. I used more Milliput to shape the jaw line and hair to hide any remaining gaps from the "face graft". The cardiac support med kit is a Romulan Picard disguise kit, with the logo changed to the Starfleet Medical one. Hypo and other accessories are from a Dr Crusher figure I used for making my custom Admiral Nechayev. (See my Custom Com 9 entry, "Playmates Final Vote")

Cadet Wion Grell - A forced head swap - Cadet Picard head on a Cadet Wes Crusher body. The hairstyle is milliput, flecks of purple paint for trill spotting. Base is from the Cadet Picard figure. The phaser and other accessories are from various figures. This custom is a character portrait of a friend, Greg Williams.

Ensign Galwot � Motion picture Ilia Probe head on the torso and arms from a Starfleet Academy Cadet Troi. The legs were left over from the Captain Janeway used to make Nurse Ogawa. The split ridge down the head and the ear lobes were made using small rolls of milliput, and a pin was used to form the groove on the split ridge. I used masking tape to try to keep the dark blue cranial veins symmetrical. The TNG comm badge was sliced off and replaced with a Voyager one.

Commander J'Pon � Wesley Crusher head on a Sisko as a Klingon body. The hairstyle and entire upper head including the cranial ridges are milliput, and the eyebrow piercing is an imbedded staple! Base and accessories retained from Sisko as a Klingon. This custom was a present for a friend who helped inspire me into body building. � Justin "J.P." Wylde. (See below)

Justin "J.P." Wylde

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