Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 4
Created by James Cheetham aka Stakey ([email protected]).
Web site: www.stakeyscustoms.piczo.com
Pep-Talk, Xander.
'the freshmen'
Recipe: Season 7 xander head (DST)/ Clark Kent body.
Used-and-abused, Buffy.
"Harsh light of day"
Recipe: deluxe buffy head/chosen buffy legs/dawn hands/doppelgangland willow torso (Alll DST)
Drunken-Dancing, Willow.
"Something Blue"
Recipe: Season 5 willow head/tara body and arms/willow doppelgangland hands. (All DST)
Kamikaze-Mission, Buffy.
"The I in Team"
Recipe: Deluxe EOD buffy figure. (DST)
Flirtatious-first-touch, Tara.
'Where the wild things are'
Recipe: tara head/glory torso and arms/primeval buffy legs. (All DST)
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