Oolong Island
Created by Chezvid ([email protected]).
Egg Fu is made out of Batman TAS Mr Freeze (big head) crab walker with a Leggs Pantyhose egg.
Mr. Mind & Dr. Sivana: Mr. Mind is made out of Hearty super light modeling clay. Dr. Sivana body is McDonalds Riddler body with a Batman TAS Ventriloquist head.
Dr. Tyme: Tyme's body is a Batman TAS and his head is a miniature clock from Hobby Lobby
Dr. Death: Death body is a Star Wars Royal Guard and his head is a Batman TAS Mr. Freeze
Dr. Cyclops: is a Batman TAS body and his head is a bootleg Star Wars alien
T. O. Morrow: Body is a Batman TAS Joker while his head is a McFarlane Dr Frankenstein
Ivo: uses a Mcfarlane Igor
Will Magnus: Will uses a Mattel Two-Face body and his head came from a bootleg Star Wars.
Super Duper is a character that did show up in the 52 series, but is part of a project I want to finish doing all of Morrows & Ivo robots. Super Duper was used in the 60's JLA run. It was a mix up of:
- Wonder Woman head
- Batman body
- Green Lantern arms
- Hawkwoman wings (comic book version was Hawkman)
- Flash legs (I just repainted Batman legs)
I haven't finished but can be seen in the group photos Mallah and the Brain. The Brain is a Super Powers Brainiac head with alot of Hearty super lightweight modeling clay to make the pedestal.
The robots are from all different types of action figures:
- Star Wars
- X-men
- Batman TAS
- Ben 10
- Crash Dummys
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