Indiana Jones
Created by Hemble Creations ([email protected]).
Web site:
Indy in Adventure Gear was a simple repaint of the Disney's 7" action figure, the whip/whip holder, bag have been custom made using leather, O rings. The arms have been given extra articulation by cutting the biceps and using screws to re-connect them.
Cairo Indy again is the Disney figure the jacket was removed and upper arms from a 7" Art Asylum Captain Kirk were used for the sleeves and the lower arms were from the 7" Mirror Mirror Kirk. The whip/whip holder, bag have been done the same way as the Adventure gear Indy.
German Mechanic is a WWF action figure and the head is from a Marvel Legends figure, the boots are from a Marvel Punisher figure with Garters added using leather. The pants are material sewn and then put in place using cloth glue and super glue, the belt is some left over leather and the buckle is from a 1/6 figure strap buckle.
Gaint Thugee is another WWF action figure the head was given a beard by using Games Work shop Green stuff, the wrap and shoulder throw over is material put in place and then painted. The leather parts are left over pieces of leather and the Turbin is material glued in place.
Cairo Swordsman is a Star Trek Kor figure, which as had a beard added and the robes and turbin are cloth and the sword is from the Disney Indy.
The Idol Pedestal is made from florist foam cut out and sand to desired shape with details added. the base is foam core with details scribed into it then covered with plaster and then painted to get the desired colour. The idol is from the Disney figure.
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