Mortal Kombat Klassics
Created by Tall and Awkward Design ([email protected]).
Cyrax: Made from ML Gambit with Para-Spidey head with new details sculpted with Apoxie Sculpt.
Kabal: Made from ML3 Wolverine body, Kraven arms, and FF4 movie Victor von Doom head sculpted over with Apoxie Sculpt. Coat is from X-men movie Sabertooth and the backpack is made from tag board and random model kit leftovers glued on.
Kitana: Made from ML Psylocke with Apoxie Sculpt hair and small details, the ponytail is a random symbiote tentacle carved up. The fans are cut and folded card stock glued to packaging plastic that was cut into the fan poles and blades.
Mileena: Made from ML box set Rogue with hips waist and thighs from x-man classics Cyclops. Loads of Apoxie Sculpt to clean up the leg connections and Rogues face. The dress is from a Batgirl cape and the ponytail is the old AoA Sabertooth's.
Quan Chi: Made from Spidey classics Daredevil with boots from Mcfarlane's Vash the Stampede. Apoxie Sculpt for the pants details and some random parts from the bits box for the shoulder pad and loincloth.
Raiden: Made from ML Loki body with ML Angel head. The hat is from Jazzware's Raiden the robe is Loki's robe cut up and re-assembled with bits from jazzwares raiden and some crafting foam. The cape is ML black panther's.
Sektor: Made from ML Falcon with lots and lots of Apoxie sculpt and random bits of plastic from the bits box glued in as well to create the layered armor look.
Shao Kahn: Made from DC Direct Martian Manhunter, Apoxie Sculpt, Mattel Superman's cape and a variety of Gundam model parts. He is a hodge podge of looks rolled into one. I based a lot on his Deception and Annihilation armor with coloring taken a bit more from his MK 2 & 3 look.
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