Ladies of Marvel
Created by 1Coyote ([email protected]).
Black Widow is made from a Psylock head with Jean Grey hair. Batgirl torso with Wasp biceps and elbow and Psylock forearms. Bottom half is a Wasp figure with Psylock feet. Original widow bracelets and belt added.
Captain Marvel is Mystique with Storm arms, boots, and cape with Apoxie sculpt added.
Crystal is a Psylock with a Jennifer Sparx head and a lot of Apoxie hair.
Mockingbird is Mystique with Jean Grey arms and a Pyslock bottom half.
Original Ms. Marvel Psylock body with Black Canary head. her hands and her legs from the knees down are from Wasp.
Ms. Marvel - Psylock body with Black Canary head. her hands and her legs from the knees down are from Wasp.
Namorita is a Cammy with I believe Piper from Charmed head, Electra forearms and legs from the knees down with Namor wings added. Pony tail from AOA Sabertooth.
Pheonix is a Mystick body with Charmed arms, Wasp legs, and Supergirl head. Spikes are from Ghostrider.
Rogue is Psylock with some Apoxie and a hoody from the Xmen movie rogue
Rogue02 is a bottom half Wasp, top Psylock with Wasp arms and Psylock forearms, Cammy hair, and animated wasp ponytail, and then a lot of Apoxie.
Shadow Cat is a legends head placed on a street fighter toy and Apoxie added for the sleeves and stuff.
Wasp is top part and legs Spider Woman with the waist of Psylock and the feet of AOA wolverine.
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