Created by Glassman ([email protected]).
Web site:
All base figures were 3 3/4" figures. Each head was a cast of either Silver Surfer, Sub-Mariner or Invisible woman from marvel superhero showdown line with sculpted details.
Superman - made from wwe build n brawl Batista with sculpted details added with apoxie sculpt.
Batman - made from wwe build n brawl Triple H with sculpted details added with apoxie sculpt.
Martian Manhunter - made from wwe build n brawl Undertaker with sculpted details added with apoxie sculpt.
Flash, Green Lantern and Aquaman - made from wwe build n brawl Edge with sculpted details added with apoxie sculpt.
Wonder Woman - made from GIJOE 25th anniversary Scarlet with sculpted details added with apoxie sculpt. Golden lasso is painted dental floss.