Marvel Who?
Created by Adam Hammond - Bad Black Cat Customs ([email protected]).
Web site:
Luke Cage: Made from a Missile Flyers Bishop head, torso and arms with XMen box set Cyclops legs and Warpath hands. Modifications made with toothpaste tube and milliput.
Darkhawk: Made with a Crimson Dynamo head, Spiderman body (torso, arms and legs) and 1 Wolverine hand (to replace the Spiderman webshooting one). Modifications made with milliput, a rubberband belt and spare parts for his grappling hook.
Tyrak: Made from a "Light-Up" Wolverine head, a Colossus (Super Shooter) torso, Krule arms, and Bishop legs. Modifications were made with milliput and toothpaste tube.
Maelstrom: Made with a Dimitri head and a generic $1Store Ninja body (bigger version of the generic marvel Wonderman/CaptMarvel/Angel body). Modifications were made with milliput and toothpaste tube.
Blue Shield: Made with a Prof X head, a TrevorFitzroy torso, Bullseye arms and Hercules legs. His belt is a rubber band
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