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customcon 19 logo

The Nightshift

Created by Ken of Mattman's ([email protected]).
Web site: Mattman's Custom Figures


Brothers Grim: Two Superman bodies with Chameleon heads and toothpaste tube collars. Other modifications are Miliput.

Dansen Macabre: Storm head and Savage Land Storm feet on a Dagger body with Sculpey Flex swirling bands.

Digger: Modified Mask head on a wrestler body with movie Sabertooth arms and all other modifications being Miliput.

Gypsy Moth: A modified Vindicator with styrene wings with fabric paint veins and wire antennae.

Misfit: A Mackenzie Brother head on a Zangief body with a Vulture hand on a Doc Samson arm. The other arm is from some Superman Villain, and the other leg is from a Tarzan. This figure was heavily modified with Miliput.

Needle: Some Spawn-type head modified with Miliput on a sanded down, and modified with Miliput, Banshee body. The needle was made from styrene rod.

Shroud: Ronan the Accuser head on an Angel body with a Swarm cape. Modified with Miliput.

Tatterdemalion: Some Streetfighter guy head with a spare modified hat on a Spawn guy chest with Beetlejuice arms and some Vampire figure legs... all modified with Miliput. Even the waving scarf is Miliput.

TickTock: Modified Strong Guy head on a Prof. X torso with shortened wrestler announcer legs. The watch was made from Miliput and styrene. The watchchain is gold cording. All modifications to the torso were done with Miliput.

Werewolf by Night: Modified Beast head on a Tarzan body modified with Miliput. The arms were a composite of spare parts and Wolfbane arms with skrull hands. The legs were some spares combined with parts from a Hobbit figure and Smeagol feet. Everything was blended with Miliput.

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