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Project: Superpowers

This series resurrects a number of Golden Age superheroes originally published by companies including Fox Comics, Crestwood Publications and Nedor Comics, many of whom are in the public domain. Now jumping from the pages of the spectacular Alex Ross series Project: Superpowers, these Golden Age heroes in 3D form for the first time.

The Black Terror: His secret identity is pharmacist Bob Benton who formulated a chemical he called 'formic ethers' which gave him various superpowers. He used these powers to fight crime with his sidekick Tim Roland, together known as the Terror Twins.

The Arrow: The Arrow is Ralph Payne, a member of US intelligence agency. Feeling that he could not effectively fight crime in his civilian guise, he turns to costumed crime fighting, becoming the Arrow. His primary weapon is his skill with bow and arrow, though he is good at fighting even without his weapons. Like many heroes of his era, he fights criminals, Nazi spies and saboteurs.

Pyroman: Pyroman is the secret identity of research student Dick Martin. Due to his work with high voltage electricity, his body developed the ability to store current. He discovered this ability after he was wrongly charged with murder; sentenced to die in the electric chair, he instead found himself possessed with electrical based powers. After clearing his name, he decided to use his powers to fight crime.

DareDevil: As a child, Bart Hill had been rendered mute by the shock of seeing his father murdered and himself being branded with a hot iron. Orphaned, he grew up to become a boomerang marksman, in homage to the boomerang-shaped scar left on his chest. Like Batman, introduced a year earlier, he took up a costume to wage vigilante vengeance. Upon his partial revamping in the issue following his debut, only Hill's identity and the boomerang remained; the mute angle was dropped without explanation, and the costume redesigned to a dark red-and-blue, symmetrically-divided bodysuit with a spiked "dog collar" belt.

Blue Beetle: Rookie patrolman Dan Garrett donned bulletproof costume (described by Garrett as being made of a chain-mail which was "as thin and light as silk"), and temporarily gained superhuman strength from ingesting the mysterious vitamin 2X

Production notes: Series 2 is slated for a fall release including The Fighting Yank, American Crusader, The Flame, Green Lama, Ms. Masque.

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