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The Underground (Wave 4)

Soon to become an online graphic novel, the toy line based on the graphic novel is here! The Underground is about a group of rebels who fight for freedom on the Island of Libertaz, in the Caribbean.

Mari Cruz

Mari Cruz is a friend of the Underground. She was once a photographer but after seeing a rebellion crushed by the Libertaz government she decided to take arms and fight the government in her own ways.


Backbreaker is the leading scientist in the Super Soldier program. He himself is one. After Natasha escaped he decided to track her down with a group of mercenaries hired by the Libertaz government.


Not much is known about Claw, except he is very skilled with his wrist blade. Rumors say he was once a hitman for the Yakusas. He is a member of the Underground.


J�ger is a member of the Phalanx. He uses his armor for manipulating large objects and when needed fight a lot of people at the same time.

Billy Bob

Billy Bob was once a GI in the first Iraq War. When he came back from Iraq he decided to work for a security company but he lost his job when the company found he stole from his site. He became an alcoholic until he went on holiday to Libertaz and started to work for the Government.


Primoris is the first super Soldier. Nothing is known about her life before she became a super soldier. She is only a killing machine, and she does not have free will.


Inquisition is the main interrogator of the Libertaz government. He is a sadist.

Created by Johnny_B ([email protected]).
Web site: http://thefwoosh.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=45857&start=0

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