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Gotham's D-List! Day Two

DAY 2: Just when the Dark Knight Detective thought it was safe to emerge from the cave even more D-Listers emerge to corrupt Gotham with cacophonous crime! It's time for Batman to put an end to this madness, but he's going to have to pull out all the stops to get it done!


As dangerous as he is colorful, Killer Moth is ready to flutter through the streets of Gotham like the unstoppable juggernaut that he is! Batman will have to be extra careful of his cocoon generating trick gun!


Temple Fugit has his crime spree all timed out! Batman will have to keep up with his rigorous schedule to put a stop to his meticulous master plan!


Clayface is out to make a mud strewn mess of Gotham, but he's kind of falling apart in the process. To keep himself together he encases himself in a chemical suit. Now resembling an overgrown academy award, Matt Hagen does his best to keep up his criminal appearances.


Chuck Brown soars into town with his kite glider and an arsenal of kite themed weapons. Batman will have a hard time keeping up with this wind-swept wrong-doer!


With Arnold Wesker out of the picture, the equally psychotic Peyton Riley takes up the mantle of Ventriloquist, manifesting the dual personality of the sinister Scarface dummy!


To finally put a stop to the rampage of obscure villains Batman has called in the ultimate favor from the Green Lantern Corps and rented a ring. Now sporting one of the most powerful weapons in the universe the Dark Knight is going to make short work of these unfamiliar felons!

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