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The Munny Show (featuring the Interchangeable Worlds of the Micronauts) - Wave One

In celebration of thirty years of comics, from the original Marvel Comics issues to the more recent Devil's Due publications, fairplaythings.com has undertaken the first wave of commemorative figures dedicated to an important part of toy history: the Interchangeable Worlds (!) of the Micronauts.

This first assortment is intended to showcase figures and characters from the original Mego line of the late 1970s, to the mid-1980s follow-up by Hourtoys, and through Palisades relaunch of the early 2000s. There are a lot of toys to cover and this is only wave one! Future waves are set to include Commander Rann, Bug, King Atlas, Repto and many more!

For now, enjoy this first release!

Evil Scientist Baron Karza continues his efforts to defeat the Micronauts and enslave the Microverse. Pitted against his sinister mechanations is the heroic Prince Acroyear, willing to sacrifice his planet itself to liberate the Microverse from the clutches of Karza.

Leading the charge against the former scientist turned despot is the heroic Princess (Mari) Marionette and her brother, Prince Argon, Force Commander, sole survivors of Home World's royal family.

Once his faithful steed, Andromeda has been empowered to fight at Karza's side by the malice body banks projects.

Remembering beyond Mego, here is your chance to own the rare gold edition of Baron Karza (Palisades), and the long-forgotten Count Magno (Hourtoys). Good or evil? You decide!

While quantities last, take the opportunity to bring together once again Baron Karza and his faithful stallion, Andromeda. Can even the heroic Micronauts stop this terrible combination of evil?!?

Good or evil? It's only to be found in the Interchangeable Worlds of the Micronauts!

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