The Original X-Men
Created by Rabid_Ewok ([email protected]).
Web site:
Cyclops was made using a Marvel Legends (Ronan series) Human Torch body with a Marvel Legends (Blob series) Cyclops head. The visor was trimmed. Parts of the costume were sculpted with Apoxie Sculpt. The belt buckle is a decal.
Marvel Girl was made using a Marvel Legends (Ronan series) Invisible Woman body with a Marvel Legends (MODOK series) Wasp head. The hair and parts of her costume were sculpted with Apoxie Sculpt. The belt buckle is a decal.
Angel was made using a Marvel Legends (Ronan series) Human Torch body with a Marvel Legends (Giant Man series) Sentry head. The wings came from a DC Universe Classics Hawkman. Parts of the costume were sculpted with Apoxie Sculpt. The belt buckle is a decal.
Iceman was made with a Spider-Man movie superposable Spider-Man almost completed sculpted over with Apoxie Sculpt. The boots are from a Marvel Legends (Ares series) Human Torch.
Beast was made using a TNA Wrestling Kip James body with the legs shortened and resculpted. The head came from a Marvel Legends (Sentinel series) Angel. The hands and feet are from a 2008 movie Hulk figure. Parts of the costume were sculpted with Apoxie Sculpt. The belt buckle is a decal.
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