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The Watchmen

Caenman Customs presents The Watchmen.

From the most celebrated graphic novel in history, by Alan Moore, Caenman Customs workshops brings you a new Watchmen toy line to celebrate the long awaited cinema adaptation.

Caenman's Watchmen action figures show a cross-over between the graphic novel and the feature film versions. The merging of the two styles brings a uniqueness to Caenman's figures not seen in other depictions.

This limited release offers collectors six individual action figures in 5" scale.

Figures include:

Rorschach - with removable had, grappling -hook gun, and interchangeable alternative head.

Night Owl - comes with real leather cape, moon-boomerang and night-staff.

Dr Manhattan - with power base, energy hand, force-shield and electro-blast.

Silk Spectre - includes bow and alleyway accessories.

Ozymandias - interchangeable saturn capes in blue and purple. (short pack variant includes masked head sculpt)

The Comedian - complete with interchangeable heads including 'gimp' mask and Edward Blake head, and two high calibre weapons.

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