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Age of Apocalypse: X-Caliber

The Age of Caenman has previously released a number of X-Caliber figures all through-out its Age of Apocalypse toy lines. But now, in a special release for CustomCon 22, Caenman custom figures includes some much anticipated figures from the classic 4 issue book.

Age of Apocalypse: X-Caliber sees Nightcrawler in a swashbuckling adventure through the seas to the Savageland on a quest to find Destiny. Along with his mother, Mystique, Kurt takes on the Dark Riders and the Shadow King himself.

Collect them all: Dani Moonstar, Calisto, Destiny, Doug Ramsey and the Shadow King in human, astral and possession attack form.

Dani Moonstar, sinister little member of the Dark Riders, but, too young to take care of herself.

Calisto, pirate of the high seas and scum of the world who steals from the world's most needy.

Destiny is a powerful pre-cog and a key to Magneto's plans to 'fix' reality. Nightcrawler must find and retrieve her at all costs.

Doug Ramsey is a young refugee in the Savageland under the care and guardianship of Destiny. Doug would heed the words of Nightcrawler and give his life for a better world.

Shadow King: With Xavier dead, Amahl Farouk is the earth's strongest telepath and grand inquisitor to Apocalypse. This special pack comes with Farouk in three forms, his fat human form complete with fez, and two astral forms, one in full figure and one in possession attack.

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