"There Exists a covert team of mutants assigned to jobs too dirty, too dangerous for regular X-men. There are lines that the X-Men have sworn never to cross. But after the shocking events of "Messiah Complex," Cyclops realized that some enemies need to be dealt with permanently... and the X-Men MUST never know about it. Enter WOLVERINE, WARPATH, X-23 and WOLFSBANE�They are the first 4 and by chance and frankly out of necessity... they grew. In they came, one by one piece by piece, like a puzzle coming together, first ELIXIR then Archangel and the last two, DOMINO and Vanisher. Their existence is known to a select few... they are... X-FORCE."
Look for this Wave to come on the heels of the newly released Legends and box sets(The Onslaught[humanoid] wave and the Inhumans box sets) in 2010. We are very proud of the direction we have decided to take with this line and thought that in order to make this more appealing for the collectors, we would have some grown up aspects to this specific wave and that is why since at SDCC we gave confirmation that there will be variants, they will be mostly bloody counter parts of the 8 figure wave but the extremely rare burnt X-23 will be limited to only 200 pieces and will come backwards in its package. We are hoping that we can tie in a 3-pack to continue this momentum into the summer but that is still in the works and we are trying to decide on who it should be since in the comics they are about to meet Cable, Hope and maybe a dark villain from their past... WHO KNOWS at this point... the possibilities are growing as we speak... we may have a BAF Bishop or a BAF Thor frog... I don't know..we are cookie like that right now...
but seriously... I don't know yet.... I'm really glad that I'm actually able to bring this news instead of keeping silent and eluding to rumors... we might not get to all the wants of the collectors but rest assure that we hear your wants and are working to satisfy them
thank you and buy our stuff!!!!
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